Thursday, August 17, 2006
Raser Technologies, Inc. Management Presents at the Electric Drive Transportation Association Conference & Exhibition 2005
Mr. Dan Herrera of the U.S. Army's Tank Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center ("TARDEC") was the moderator for the panel discussion entitled "Utilizing Electric Drive Components in Military Applications."
Raser's presentation reflected the results of work conducted under Phase I of a Small Business Innovative Research grant (SBIR) which was completed in August of 2005 showing the performance potential of Raser's Symetron(TM) enhanced motor technologies for the Army's High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle, (HMMWV or "Hummer") and the Army's Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTVs). The presentation provided comparisons of Raser's AC Induction technology with Switched Reluctance and Permanent Magnet technologies, and drew the conclusion that Raser's Symetron Enhanced AC Induction technology would be the best solution for the studied transportation applications.
Raser anticipates government appropriations for the next step in the process of evaluating Symetron Enhanced AC Induction technology for military applications before the end of the year. At Army discretion, these funds could be committed in the first quarter of 2006.
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