Saturday, September 02, 2006

Experts from Hewlett-Packard and Lucent Technologies to Discuss Driving Growth through Marketing Excellence

Top companies develop cross-functional marketing systems and processes to strengthen branding, communicate product and service benefits to customers and to create customer loyalty.

&uot;World-class companies have started to leverage technology as a key component of their cross-functional marketing strategy with the ultimate goal of increasing corporate recognition, improving customer loyalty and growing corporate revenue,&uot; said Chris Bogan, President and CEO of Best Practices, LLC, a leader in the field of benchmarking and process improvement. Best Practices, LLC and GTE will host the Winter Meeting of the Global Benchmarking Council (GBC), March 1-3 at the Omni Dallas Park West and GTE Solutions Center in Dallas, TX. &uot;This session will provide an insightful review of world-class marketing and branding strategies that are both cross-functional and customer focused. Increasingly, companies are required to create marketing strategies that incorporate the needs and ideas of multiple functional departments to drive customer interaction and loyalty,&uot; Bogan said.

Hewlett-Packard is recognized throughout the world - and it did not create this brand familiarity through a silo-focused marketing campaign. Indeed, HP employs a cross-functional strategy to create a common brand that drives customer loyalty. Join GBC members and guests of the Global Benchmarking Council in Dallas, as an expert from Hewlett-Packard shares the strategy for &uot;Integrating IT, Sales and Marketing on a United Product Front.&uot;

Embedded in every great sales and marketing strategy is a systematic approach to managing the customer relationship. Lucent Technologies realizes the important connections between world-class sales, marketing and customer management. Join an expert from Lucent Technologies as he shares how Lucent markets its products and services to the customer through an advanced customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Drawn by discussions of Creating Profit with Cutting-Edge Sales Technology, Driving Growth through Marketing Excellence and Best Practices Benchmarking, Global Benchmarking Council members and guests will gather in Dallas, TX to trade insights and implementation solutions through detailed presentations, success sharing, management roundtables, knowledge exchanges and informal conversations. This quarter, members and guests will also examine actual benchmarking case studies from leading companies in the areas of customer service and call center excellence. Attendees will participate in interactive presentations from Hewlett-Packard, Lucent Technologies, GTE, Prudential, Georgia-Pacific and Best Practices, LLC as well as share in the collective experience of member organizations including Cisco Systems, Dell, Pfizer, AT&, Johnson &Johnson, Sprint, USAA, Lucent, DuPont, Bell Atlantic, General Motors, GTE and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

The Global Benchmarking Council (GBC) was launched in 1998 by Best Practices, LLC, a Chapel Hill, NC research firm, in collaboration with founding members such as GTE, Sprint, DuPont, and AT&. Membership in the GBC is crafted to transform colleagues into partners and friends. The council's size fosters substantive knowledge sharing. In addition to a year-round network of fellow corporate innovators and benchmarking thought leaders and attendance at quarterly council meetings, GBC members enjoy numerous benefits: preferential discounts on the Best Practices Online Database(c) and Best Practices Benchmarking Reports(c), invitations to participate in leading-edge benchmarking studies, free of charge, and monthly Best Practice Spotlights. Online resources include a library of data resources, a comprehensive directory to facilitate benchmarking between members, and research links, as well as electronic meeting reports and speaker presentations - all housed on a customized Select Page. To join or to receive more information about the benefits of membership in the Global Benchmarking Council, please visit the GBC website at or call Rachel Porter at 919-403-0251 Ext. 225.

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