Saturday, September 02, 2006
New Motor Drive to Automate Manufacturing Lines
According to Kevin Delaney, vice president for systems integration at the company's advanced development center in New Berlin, WI, Smart Trac(TM) is the first motor drive with softlogic(a) that fully complies with industry software standards(b) for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and industrial PCs. Software for the drive was programmed utilizing MicroSoft's popular Windows NT(R) operating system and is equally easy to use.
The Windows-based programming for Smart Trac was developed by MagneTek and Xycom Automation, a leading supplier of industrial software in which MagneTek has an equity position.
"The user now can have a much less complicated system because programming for Smart Trac drives, PLCs and PCs all look and feel the same," Delany says. "In fact, users can actually eliminate PLCs and PCs in their systems, since Smart Trac itself performs PLC and PC functions."
Users expected to benefit most from Smart Trac are those with manufacturing processes that incorporate many dedicated, remotely controlled drive units. Initial installations have been on film, foil and paper converting lines. Potential applications include papermaking, automobile, textile, printing, metalworking and many other industrial processes requiring coordinated automation control.
MagneTek manufactures electric motors, drives, power supplies, and lighting products for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. The company reported sales of $1.2 billion for its fiscal year ended June 31, 1998.
(a) "user friendly" software programmed for control systems. (b) IEC1131-3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The foregoing announcement contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties which, in many cases, are beyond the control of the company. These include but are not limited to economic conditions in general, business conditions in electrical and electronic equipment markets, competitive factors such as pricing and technology, and the risk that the company's ultimate costs of doing business exceed present estimates. Further information on factors which could affect MagneTek's financial results is presented in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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