Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chain still going strong after nearly 600 years

As a power transmission medium, chain is today generally viewed as a mature technology.

This is true if one looks at the general level of technical development, which is targeted on achieving increased operating life, greater reliability and reduced maintenance.

It is not the whole picture, however.

In many areas of chain technology, particularly in respect of conveyor and hybrid plastic/steel chains, there is a genuine product innovation.

Modern manufacturing has produced a whole new set of demands on chain.

Operating environments have to be cleaner and quieter to work in.

Power transmission systems generally have to be smaller while still being able to transmit equal or increased levels of power as the larger systems, which they replaced.

There are other considerations too.

Today, chain is used in precision indexing and conveying tasks.

Such tasks - assembly of PCB boards for example - cannot tolerate the initial levels of stretch, which in many other applications are taken for granted.

While lubrication is still employed with most chain drives, its necessity, especially on the factory floor, is increasingly being called into question by innovations like Tsubaki's new Lambda chain.

Lambda is lube-free yet it offers 7 to 30 times the wear life of standard lubricated roller chain.

It also offers 30% longer wear life compared with previous Lambda series chains, and up to 20 times the wear life of other lube-free chains.

This improved performance results from a construction, which comprises specially sintered, oil impregnated bushings, coated pins and extra durable rollers.

The durable rollers facilitate super smooth engagement on the sprocket for longer periods of time.

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