Wednesday, February 06, 2008

7 Myths About The Color of Your Car

You may have heard that if you drive a red car you are more likely to get a speeding or other traffic ticket. This is just one of the myths and urban legends that are believed about what effect the color of your car may have.

1. Red cars get more tickets. There is no proof that people who drive red cars are any more likely to receive a traffic citation. Now if your car is a red corvette or mustang it might be that the driver is doing something that attracts attention, like speeding or driving recklessly. Someone driving a red pickup truck may go for years without getting a ticket or even being pulled over by the police.
2. Black cars are stolen more often. Black is popular with high performance cars and more manufacturers make their top selling models black. Thieves tend to steal cars that are a particular make and model, not a specific color.
3. Green cars are traded in or resold more quickly than any other color. This has not been observed by car dealers. Cars are generally traded in because the owner is purchasing a newer car or a car of another make and model.
4. Yellow cars are more easily seen by other drivers, resulting in fewer accidents. Again, this is just an urban legend. Other drivers should be on the lookout for cars of all colors.
5. Blue cars have the best resale value. This is not true. Cars with low miles and in good condition will sell for more.
6. Brown cars are driven by people who are set in their ways and are very inflexible with their dealings with others. Stubborn people drive cars of all colors.
7. White cars are the safest ones to own. There is no evidence to support this idea.

So drive any color car that you like. If you speed you will probably get a ticket. Trade it in when you like. Take care of your car and the resale value will be the highest it can be. Stay out of other driver’s blind spots so they can see you. Be flexible when dealing with others. Always drive safely and courteously and obey all laws. And most of all, enjoy your car, whatever color it is, and the time you spend driving it. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Be kind to other drivers and you will enjoy this privilege even more.

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